Things to do
La Basilica di Santa Croce a Firenze
The Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence
he tomb of Michelangelo, "protected" by three sculptures representing Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, contends the first part of the Santa Croce Basilica with the tomb of Galileo Galilei, right in front.
Immediately after Michelangelo is the cenotaph of Dante but his remains, left in Ravenna where he died in exile. Follow Vittorio Alfieri, Antonio Canova, Niccolo Machiavelli, Gioacchino Rossini and Ugo Foscolo, who lives in a place called Santa Croce which retained the "Urne dei Forti" (tombs of the largest in Italy). But Holy Cross is not just a "collection" of the remains of Italians who have made history. In the bottom of the basilica there are chapels frescoed by Giotto with Stories of the Life of St. Francis. In the Pazzi Chapel, where Giuliano de Medici was killed and Lorenzo the Magnificent wounded during the famous conspiracy, it is preserved the Crucifix by Cimabue.